Out Now: “A Shiver on the Web”

Happy summer, friends! I fell behind a little once more on writing updates, but here are a couple:

First off, if you haven’t had a chance to read “Volcanic Glass” as part of DECODED Pride, you can still purchase a subscription and access here!

Also so very proud to announce that my short fantasy piece about expectations, deception, and literal spider-women, “A Shiver on the Web”, is out now at The Overcast.

And finally:

My humorous little SF short, titled… *takes a deep breath* “An Abbreviated List of Grievances Filed During the 2022 Annual Roswell vs. Area 51 Interinstitutional Paintball Tournament” is now available in Issue #83 of Andromeda Spaceways Magazine! This little piece, inspired by a rewatch of Syfy’s Eureka, really holds a special place in my heart, and I hope it’ll make you smile reading it just as much as it did when I was writing it.

Coming Soon: “Volcanic Glass” in the DECODED Pride Anthology

Great news upcoming, everyone! My fantasy short story, “Volcanic Glass”, will be appearing as part of QueerSpec’s DECODED anthology in June as a celebration of Pride Month!

This is such a wonderful grassroots project and I hope you’ll support them by buying a subscription. Right now you can also get $2 off your subscription by using the code FriendzNFamz and purchasing through their website before June 2. So if you’re looking forward to thirty days of unabashedly queer art and fiction, go ahead and sign up now!

Mass Update: 2020 Version, Part 2

Onward and upwards, folks! We’re talking reprints and anthologies today.

Firstly, my short piece about the sci-fi immigration experience, “Float”, which first appeared in Interzone in 2019, was reprinted by Frozen Wavelets for their summer 2020 issue. You can read it here!

One of my favorite horror stories, “White Noise”, was also reprinted in Anathema: Spec from the Margin’s Showcase Edition end-of-year anthology, available here.

And finally, I’m so happy to announce that my flash fiction piece about racecars and revolution, “Sunbringer”, made its debut last September in the anthology Fireweed: Stories from the Revolution by Lonely Cryptid Media. It’s part of a wonderful collection of other speculative stories and poems, so give it a read when you get the chance. You won’t regret it!

Mass Update, 2020 Version: Part 1

You know that feeling you get after having pushed through a giant months-long project at work, or successfully mitigated a huge screaming fight in your family? That feeling of heaviness, of absolute burnout, that “Please let me sleep for about a thousand years, give or take a century” feeling of complete emotional exhaustion?

I apologize for my absence through the past year. 2020 tested all of us, and I’m a mental health clinician who worked the entire way through it. For my own sanity, I needed to step back from everything except my clients, my family, and my friends for a while.

It’s January of 2021. There are glimmers of light and hope in the world, but not nearly enough. We have to keep working, to keep building ourselves and each other up toward brighter futures. For me, part of that is finally getting back to writing.

So: updates. I may not have produced much new stuff last year, but several reprints came out in various wonderful mediums and I wanted to share them all with you. There’s really too much to pack into just one post, so let’s take it easy as I welcome you back into the world of my writing.

First up: podcasts! My little piece of flash fiction about love across interdimensional travel was reprinted by the delightful Manawaker Studio’s Flash Fiction Podcast in April 2020. This story is near and dear to my heart, so give it a listen here!

Secondly, I was so honored to take part in once again narrating a beautiful and haunting piece for the Monsters Out of the Closet podcast. The story, titled “Gwisins of the New Moon’s Eve”, can be heard as part of their Urban Legends episode released August 2020.

We’ll talk anthologies and other cool reprints in my next update. Catch you then!